Jath Wind Farm

Maharashtra, India

60.0 MW



Projects - Jath Wind Farm

Jath wind project is one of landmark project of CLP which involved several sustainable initiatives to local livelihood. This project uses wind turbines to generate electricity from wind energy without creating any air or water pollution.

CLP is providing continuous support to local schools to improve quality of education. Textbooks, school bags and benches have been distributed several schools in near vicinity to project site. CLP also ensures regular contributions in different social forums to strengthen the institutional and human resource development as well as for a sustainable livelihood.

Being a wind project, the Project does not use any fossil fuel to generate electricity. It generates more than 121,000 MWh of electricity per year which is sufficient to power more than 24,000 Indian households and avoids more than 118,000 tCO2 every year. The Project also avoids use of more than 424 million liters of water per year compared to baseline practice.

Rural roads were constructed or strengthen as part of Project development activity. Villagers are free to use these roads thus the Project has also improved local infrastructure and connectivity to nearest city. The Project is located in rural India and created many employment opportunities for local and non-locals during its construction as well as operations phase.

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